Word of the Day

Stroke of Chinese

Copy and paste character into the column then enter, it will shows automatically.(你,我,他,好,老,师,这,那,宠,物)

2009年2月14日 星期六

Shopping! 买măi 东dōng 西xī

Dear 7th graders,

Did you enjoy using play money to 买măi 东dōng 西xī?

Look at these pictures, guess who is the best saleperson in our class?

我wǒ 家jiā 的de 宠chǒng 物wù

Dear 6th graders,

老lăo 师shī 家jiā 有yǒu 几jǐ 只zhī 宠chǒng 物wù ?
你nǐ 家jiā 有yǒu 什shé 麽me 宠chǒng 物wù ?

Song of Pets

我wǒ 家jiā 有yǒu 两liăng 匹pī 马mă ,三sān 只zhī 猫māo ,四sì 只zhī 狗gǒu ,跑păo 来lái 跑păo 去qù ,我wǒ 家jiā 有yǒu 五wŭ 条tiáo 鱼yú ,我wǒ 家jiā 有yǒu 六liù 只zhī 鸟niăo ,它tā 们men 都dōu 很hěn 可kě 爱ài 。