Word of the Day

Stroke of Chinese

Copy and paste character into the column then enter, it will shows automatically.(你,我,他,好,老,师,这,那,宠,物)

2009年4月27日 星期一

For Language Selection Night

Dear Eric and Perry, Thank you so much for this fabulous short film, with such a creative and inspirational film, I think Lower School parents and students will love to join us.

Sentence construction game

Dear 6th graders,

Please use the game cards to build up your own sentences.

For ex.你nǐ 好hăo,我wǒ 今jīn 年nián 十shí 岁suì ,我wǒ 家jiā 有yǒu 五wŭ 个ge 人rén ,我wǒ 爸bà 爸ba 是shì 工gōng 人rén ,妈mā 妈ma 是shì 老lăo 师shī 。

2009年4月22日 星期三

5 Cs and 3 Modes

First of all, I want to say thank you to Dr. Frances Yufen Lee Mehta, during this whole day workshop, the 5 Cs and 3 Modes of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages had been taught to us, thank you so much.

2009年4月5日 星期日

Star Talk teacher training program 2009

Learn more, teach more!
