Word of the Day

Stroke of Chinese

Copy and paste character into the column then enter, it will shows automatically.(你,我,他,好,老,师,这,那,宠,物)

2009年9月28日 星期一

The story of Chinese Moon Festival

中zhōng 秋qiū 节jié 的de 故gù 事shì


2009年9月27日 星期日

The moon represents my heart (by Teresa Deng)

月yuè 亮liàng 代dài 表biăo 我wǒ 的de 心xīn

Enjoy your Moon Festival with this famous love song.

Mooncake making

月yuè 饼bǐng 的de 制zhì 作zuò


2009年9月25日 星期五

Chinese RAP

Practice of Chinese tones

妈mā 妈ma 骑qí 马mă ,马mă 慢màn 妈mā 妈ma 骂mà 马mă


2009年9月1日 星期二

09 summer at East China Normal University

Dear Shen-Zhan, Professor Huang,

I am so appreciated this great opportunity offered by Confucius Institute at China Institute in America, I learnt a lots from Chinese Phonology, Chinese Grammar, Chinese Characters-Structure and Evolution, and Chinese Literature, thank you for everything you did for this program.

The night by the Huangpu River

My dear friends,

Thank you for the wonderful memory!