Word of the Day

Stroke of Chinese

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2008年6月12日 星期四

Receipt of General tso’s chicken


Chicken tight 2
Minced garlic 3 teaspoon
Ginger 3 pieces
Chili 1 or 2 removes the seeds
Cooking oil 2 tablespoon
Corn starch water 2 tablespoon
Sesame oil 1/2 teaspoon

1. Marinate ingredients: Whole egg 1
Soy sauce 3 teaspoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Corn starch 2 tablespoon

2. Sauce : Rice vinegar 1 teaspoon
Soy sauce 1 teaspoon


1. Remove the bone first, cut into bite-size chunks, mix together with marinate ingredients for 10 mins.
2. Prepare the sauce
3. Heat up the cooking oil in wok over high heat, stir the chicken till well done, take out chicken and drain the oil. Remain some cooking oil for next step.
4. High heat stir the garlic, ginger , chili, then put chicken and mix well together then add sauce.
