Lesson one
你nǐ 我wǒ 他tā 只zhǐ 有yǒu 天tiān 去qù 来lái 回huí 是shì 人rén 很hěn 多duō 好hăo 买măi 不bù 够gòu 错cuò 坐zuò 心xīn 少shăo
Lesson two
请qǐng 问wèn 看kàn 对duì 不bù 起qǐ 要yào 什shé 麽me 没méi 问wèn 题tí 来lái 不bù 及jí 回huí 来lái 新xīn 给gěi
Stroke of Chinese
Copy and paste character into the column then enter, it will shows automatically.(你,我,他,好,老,师,这,那,宠,物)
2009年3月12日 星期四
2009年3月8日 星期日
2009年3月7日 星期六
National Acrobats of China - part1
What a happy Friday..............Show time!

This dazzling company of 35 performers mesmerizes and mystifies with its stunning displays of the best in Chinese martial arts, illusion and acrobats, all set to traditional music. Founded over 50 years ago, this troupe has been one of the most influential acrobatic ensembles in the world, having won every important award in international competitions. From plate-spinning to cycling stunts to bench-juggling with their feet, the National Acrobats of China reach literally breathtaking heights of skill.
This dazzling company of 35 performers mesmerizes and mystifies with its stunning displays of the best in Chinese martial arts, illusion and acrobats, all set to traditional music. Founded over 50 years ago, this troupe has been one of the most influential acrobatic ensembles in the world, having won every important award in international competitions. From plate-spinning to cycling stunts to bench-juggling with their feet, the National Acrobats of China reach literally breathtaking heights of skill.
2009年3月2日 星期一
Vocabulary of lesson 2-6, 2-5
Dear class,
Please copy the word(exclude pinyin) to the e-stroke box to practice the stroke.
Lesson 2-6
1. 空kōng 2. 玩wán 3. 住zhù 4. 电diàn 5. 话huà 6. 请qǐng 7. 问wèn 8. 进jìn
9. 等děng 10. 出chū 11. 时shí 12. 间jiān 13. 该gāi 14. 走zǒu 15. 再zài
Lesson 2-5
1. 多duō 2. 少shăo 3. 钱qián 4. 买măi 5. 卖mài 6. 块kuài 7. 毛máo 8. 到dào
9. 样yàng 10. 还huán 11. 要yào 12. 给gěi 13. 谢xiè 14. 本běn 15. 共gòng
Please copy the word(exclude pinyin) to the e-stroke box to practice the stroke.
Lesson 2-6
1. 空kōng 2. 玩wán 3. 住zhù 4. 电diàn 5. 话huà 6. 请qǐng 7. 问wèn 8. 进jìn
9. 等děng 10. 出chū 11. 时shí 12. 间jiān 13. 该gāi 14. 走zǒu 15. 再zài
Lesson 2-5
1. 多duō 2. 少shăo 3. 钱qián 4. 买măi 5. 卖mài 6. 块kuài 7. 毛máo 8. 到dào
9. 样yàng 10. 还huán 11. 要yào 12. 给gěi 13. 谢xiè 14. 本běn 15. 共gòng
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