Word of the Day

Stroke of Chinese

Copy and paste character into the column then enter, it will shows automatically.(你,我,他,好,老,师,这,那,宠,物)

2009年3月2日 星期一

Vocabulary of lesson 2-6, 2-5

Dear class,

Please copy the word(exclude pinyin) to the e-stroke box to practice the stroke.

Lesson 2-6

1. 空kōng 2. 玩wán 3. 住zhù 4. 电diàn 5. 话huà 6. 请qǐng 7. 问wèn 8. 进jìn
9. 等děng 10. 出chū 11. 时shí 12. 间jiān 13. 该gāi 14. 走zǒu 15. 再zài

Lesson 2-5

1. 多duō 2. 少shăo 3. 钱qián 4. 买măi 5. 卖mài 6. 块kuài 7. 毛máo 8. 到dào
9. 样yàng 10. 还huán 11. 要yào 12. 给gěi 13. 谢xiè 14. 本běn 15. 共gòng
